Galaxon is the proud technology partner of the Kerala Police and Keltron, who have developed the Central Intrusion Monitoring System, the first of its kind being introduced in India. The CIMS is the latest in security services, designed to provide services to monitor burglary, accidents, residential alarms and CCTV and take relevant action on an immediate basis.
The CIMS is equipped with special hardware and network video management software to communicate with the intrusion alarm and CCTV systems installed in the premises. It works by triggering an alarm using sensors whenever an event happens at the premises. The alarm panel determines what type of event it is through the IP line and relays it to the CIMS while at the same time triggering an alarm in the video management system. This allows the police and the owner of the property to monitor the event at the same time that it is happening.
The advanced software allows the police to track information and monitor the relevant CCTV camera and react to any type of event within minutes. All it takes is a minute, mere 10 seconds, for the Kerala Police to get alerted about the event, understand what time of disturbance it is, and determine the exact address of the place where it is happening. The owner of the establishment or home also gets a notification simultaneously, allowing you also to monitor what is happening at your property, while it is happening. Such is the power of the CIMS. With the CIMS, a multi-reporting system with event details, including time & type, zone identification, event logs, operator status, video backup etc. are possible for three months. The software is also fully equipped with fail-over server and redundant storage facility.
Another extremely important advantage of the CIMS is that it allows the police and the property owner to act within a minute of the disturbance being detected. You will no longer have to wait till the next day or even later for your complaint to be registered. The CIMS is a guarantor of real-time action.